Theomagination With Phil Aud
Theomagination is a podcast about God, faith and faithful imagination in the twenty-first century.
Theomagination With Phil Aud
PART II: The Need for Prophetic Reform ft. Dr. Mark Chironna
Phil Aud
Season 2
Episode 14
This is part 2 of my conversation with Dr. Mark Chironna on the need for prophetic reform.
Dr. Chironna's Article: "Elijah - Depression - and the Prophetic Community"
Mark is the pastor of Church On The Living Edge in the Orlando area. He is a Theo-Semiotician holding a Doctorate of Ministry in Future Studies as well as an MA in Psych, and he is currently seeking a Ph.D. as Post Grad Researcher at the University Of Birmingham, UK.
Mark has a new book which was released on July 19th called On the Edge of Hope: No Matter How Dark the Night, The Redeemed Soul Still Sings.
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